A pensioner from Swindon has been stranded on the other side of the world after the cruise ship he was on set off without him.

Christopher Capel fell into a coma halfway through a a 100-day journey around the world, was left behind while he received urgent medical attention, and now faces a fight to get home.

The 72-year-old boarded a P&O Cruises vessel at the start of the year and had visited a butterfly farm in Puerto Princesa with some friends after the ship docked at the island of Palawan in the Philippines on March 4.

Then, disaster struck.

He began to feel unwell and tried to go back to his room alone for a lie down but the doctor on board sent him to the hospital instead.

By the time medics had carried out all their tests and gave him antibiotics for heatstroke, the cruise ship had left port.

His insulin was still in his cabin, so his blood sugar fell dangerously low, causing hypoglycemic shock which led to a brief diabetic coma.

After stabilising, Chris borrowed a laptop to email his niece Karen Williams, who helped him contact P&O and Nationwide, his insurance company, in an attempt to resume his journey.

Swindon Advertiser: Chris Capel and Karen WilliamsChris Capel and Karen Williams (Image: From publc)

Nationwide reportedly informed him that P&O had not told them he was no longer on board the cruise liner. After the 12th day in hospital, with no progress on these attempts to get home, he left and booked a hotel room.

Chris said: "It's been an absolute nightmare, and terrifying at times.

"P&O have failed in their duty of care - I would not recommend that anyone over 70 go alone on one of their cruises, because I have no one fighting my corner.

"I kept telling the nurses 'I need to get back to the ship' but they kept taking more tests and asking about my breathing difficulties and chest pains when I didn't have either of those symptoms. I don't know what they had been told by the P&O doctor.

"When I went into a coma, I wondered if that was it, that might be the end, but I came around the next morning.

"I was then stuck in a hospital bed with nothing wrong with me, it was ludicrous. I should have been allowed back on board, it wasn't a serious health issue.

"I can't believe the power one person can have over your life, to just leave me in this mess. I've been treated so badly by these companies."

Chris feels left in limbo, though he has now managed to get an insulin prescription. He has an intense fear of flying, so getting the nearly 7,000 miles home is no easy task.

As of Wednesday, he has tentatively agreed to have a doctor and nurse fly over and sedate him for the flight back, though when this is happening is unknown.

His niece Karen said: "If he had no next of kin, I don't know what would have happened because these companies have not been helpful, they've left him to sort it out himself.

"I worry about him being alone on the other side of the world in a place where he doesn't speak the language. I just want him home safe."

A P&O Cruises spokesman said: “We are so sorry this has happened to this guest.

"Having taken advice, we have been advised that due to his critical medical needs, it is not feasible to return to the UK by ship.

"So, our customer care team has been in constant liaison with the guest and his insurance team to find an acceptable and safe alternative solution as his physical health and mental wellbeing is the priority in this case.”

Nationwide has been approached for comment.