Police chief bows to minority in removing officer from rural team

I am amazed that the new Chief Constable has meekly acceded to the demands of a minority and taken a police officer off the rural crime team.

If we accept that is right for activists to determine whether a police officer is appointed to an specific operational role where will a line be drawn?

The Chief’s action demonstrates her lack of confidence in PC Knight’s ability to act impartially.

If this is the policy of the Chief Constable it is one which may well come back to bite her.

Des Morgan

Caraway Drive


State of the roads

It would appear that Wiltshire has inadvertently hit upon a cheap and effective speed reduction and traffic calming measure for our roads. It’s called a pothole.

Phil Whalley


Poking fun at town

I had to laugh when I read about the stand up comic I’d never heard of complaining that Swindon was a “soul-less bumhole” because people weren’t interested in tickets for his gig.

There are a lot of things you could criticise this town for: chronic neglect of the few historic public buildings that remain, huge identikit housing estates, a town centre that makes you want to wipe your feet on the way out because it’s in such a dire state and the chaos caused by neverending roadworks.

But according to Wikipedia Mike Bubbins comes from Barry, which has its own problems with long term neglect and only seems to be noted for being a faded holiday destination and the location for Gavin and Stacey.

Of course his snarky tweet could just have been a desperate attempt to drum up some ticket sales.

Ruth King

North Swindon

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