There is some good news and bad news for a couple who applied to drop kerbs and construct parking on front gardens and verges in two different locations and plans have been submitted for new houses on the side and back gardens of existing properties in planning this week.

Trees: applications have been made to work on trees at Holly Cottage, 48 High Street, Blunsdon; Hampton Lodge, Hampton Lane, Hampton; 3 High Street, Bishopstone

Town Centre: Jason Brown the developer behind the plan to convert the old WW Hunter building at 19 and 20 Regent Street has had five of the conditions of his planning permissions signed off. Planners have approved his plans for external materials, privacy screens, noise and ventilation during building, a roof canopy and a noise survey.

Town Centre: Another retrospective application for approval for the conversion of offices above a shop into a flat has been approved. Following on from the approval of such a development at 45 Havelock Street, J Knowles has had his conversion of the offices upstairs at 39 Havelock Street, and the creation of a rear fire escape access to the flat approved.


Kingsdown:  A modern new house could be built on the green land behind 98 Kingsdown Road if Gary Smith’s plan is approved. Mr Smith wants to build the two-bedroom house, with a fully accessible ground floor, including a wet room, with an access from Fuller Close.


Dropped kerbs: Two proposals to build dropped kerbs and allow cars access to newly constructed parking spaces on front gardens and verges made by the same people have met with different responses.

Mr and Mrs Obszynka have been given permission to install the parking area, drop the kerb and allow cars to cross the pavement at 10 Kings Avenue in Park North. But a similar plan they proposed at 19 Avebury Road in Penhill has been refused owing to the loss of the green verge.


Extensions:  Plans have been submitted to build extensions to houses, or outbuildings, or to convert lofts and garages into habitable rooms at: 47 Highworth Road, South Marston; 18 Pennycress Close, Haydon Wick; 64 Grange Drive, Stratton St Margaret; 12 Hatherley Road, Nythe; 4 Cole Close, Covingham; Letcombe House, Basset Down; and  8 Farman Close, Eldene.

Such applications have been approved for: 78 Goddard Avenue, Old Town; The Garden Cottage, Church Hill, Wroughton; Tocado, Ham Road, Liddington; 7 Bibury Road, Old Walcot; 30 Amethyst Road, St Andrew; Rosslyn, 5 New Road, Chiseldon and 3 Bowling Green Lane, Old town.

The certificate of lawful development a Mr Musto requested for his planned single-storey rear extension at 15 Tees Close, Haydon Wick has been refused.

The proposal is not compliant with the rules on lawful development because: “the proposed eaves height would exceed the roof eaves of the host dwellinghouse.”

The refusal of the certificate of lawfulness does not necessarily prevent Mr Musto from applying for, and being given, full planning permission.

A two-storey side/rear extension and first-floor front extension H Smith proposed for 6 Whitefield Crescent has been knocked back.

Planners said: “The proposed development as amended would result in a two-storey extension forward of the principal elevation of the property where it would upset the character or rhythm of the street scene.

“It is of a design, scale and massing inappropriate to the site and its surroundings and would harm the character and appearance of the host dwelling and to the street scene.”