A Swindon man has been given a driving disqualification after he was caught driving twice the legal drug drive limit along.

Marlon Bryan of Ripon Way in Park South, was stopped by a roads policing officer on July 27, 2022, in Wyndham Road.

This was due to his vehicle, which was a Mercedes C200, having dark window tints.

The 35-year-old was also found to be under the influence of illegal narcotics as well as being over the alcohol limit.

The officer noticed a strong smell of cannabis from the vehicle and a saliva specimen was obtained for a drug wipe.

After taking the test, the result indicated positive for cannabis.

He was arrested for drug driving and further tests found him to be twice the legal drug drive limit.

As well as the driving disqualification, he was fined £128, ordered to pay a £51 surcharge and £85 costs.