An important part of Coate Water's play park has finally opened.

While families flocked to try out the new £500,000 play area when it opened on March 24, one of them was not usable. 

To the left-hand side of the park is a wheelchair swing that a wheelchair user can go on without having to leave the chair itself, but it had been kept locked and inaccessible to the public. 

Now, Swindon Borough Council have announced that the swing is fully open, meaning that families, particularly those with children living with disabilities, can enjoy the park's full offering for the first time. 

A Swindon Borough Council spokesperson said: “We’re pleased to get this swing open to the public in time for the bank holiday weekend.

“The delay in opening was due to us wanting to change the lock to a radar lock, meaning families who want access will be able to open the swing without having to visit a ranger at the park.

“This will also make the swing more secure in the future and ensure it is used by the children it is intended for.”

Mums on a Mission, a local disability campaign group that consulted heavily with the council on plans for the park, revealed it was disappointed that all of the equipment wasn't made available for its opening in March.

Since then it had allegedly been pressuring the council for an update on when the swing might be opened to the public but was growing concerned about the council's apparent lack of response during this time. 

But now, a spokesperson for Mums on a Mission has shared their delight that the swing is usable just in time for the easter holidays.

"We're absolutely thrilled that Swindon's first-ever wheelchair-accessible swing in a public park is now open and available to use," they said. 

"Our friends and followers have been asking about it every day since the play park opened a couple of weeks ago, which shows what an important piece of equipment it is to the SEND community in Swindon.

"We can't wait to start using it!"