A Swindon pensioner stranded in the Philippines for weeks after his cruise ship left whilst he was still having tests in hospital has returned home at last after a 22-hour journey by sea and air.

Chris Capel felt left adrift after a dizzy spell on the island of Palawan, in the Philippines, led to hours of medical tests, several days in hospital, a diabetic coma triggered by a lack of insulin, and weeks stuck in a hastily-booked hotel room while he tried to find a way back to the UK.

The 72-year-old had gone on more than 40 cruises with P&O before splashing out on a £17,500 round-the-world trip that set off at the start of this year.

But just over halfway through the journey, he reported nausea and lightheadedness to the ship's doctor, who did not allow him back on board and sent him off for an examination.

By the time this had been carried out, the ocean liner had left port and Chris says he was told he had nothing more serious than mild heatstroke.

He and his worried niece Karen Williams contacted the cruise organisers P&O and travel insurers Nationwide, who explained that he had a critical medical condition that made returning the absent passenger difficult, as did his fear of flying.

Doctors deemed him unfit to fly to Manila, so he took this part of the trip back by boat, but could be brought the rest of the way by plane with medics escorting him.

Chris set foot on British soil for the first time in months on Good Friday.

He said: "The doctors who brought me home were lovely, I could not fault them, though they weren't sure why there were required because they just gave me Diazepam to calm my nerves and there wasn't anything else wrong with me.

"It seems like a comical cock-up. The person who sent me away from the ship didn't even examine me and must have known that the hospital tests would have taken longer than the ship would be at the port.

"If there is a critical medical situation, as P&O keep saying, why haven't I been told more about it or shown their medical report? They have failed in their duty of care, first by leaving me on the island and now with all this secrecy about my health.

"It does worry me, and I will book a full medical examination very soon, but I feel alright, just a little achey and feeble."

Despite everything, this ordeal has not put Chris off cruise trips entirely - but future voyages would be less far away, stop at destinations with train routes back to the UK, and not be with P&O Cruises.

He added: "My holiday of a lifetime was ruined, as were the holidays of my friends who remained on the ship. 

"I had a call from one of the other cruise passengers, who is now in Cadiz, asking how I was since no-one knew what had happened to me and everyone was worried.

"Karen has been suffering while trying to sort this all out, it's been such a strain on her.

"The first part of the cruise was enjoyable, I did see new parts of the world. In Palawan, I went to a restaurant near the hotel every day - the people there were fantastic and looked after me well.

"I'm also very appreciative of the Adver articles, they brought things into focus and changed the attitude of P&O and Nationwide about my situation.

"Now I just need to get the rest of my stuff back."

A P&O Cruises spokesman confirmed that they will cover the costs of returning his luggage.