A young child was allowed to sit unrestrained in the front seat of a speeding Volkswagen.

The driver of the car was first spotted by officers from Wiltshire Police's Roads Policing Unit after they were seen driving at an excess speed on the motorway. 

But when the car had been pulled over, they also discovered that the driver of the vehicle was also operating it without an MOT, and that there was a young child sat in the front seat without a seatbelt on. 

The incident was posted on the Wiltshire Specialist Operations Twitter page which posts updates on both the roads policing and armed response units of Wiltshire Police.

The tweet said: "RPU stopped this vehicle on the M4 for excess speed. The vehicle also had no valid MOT and a young child unrestrained on the front passenger seat. Driver reported for multiple offences."

A photo of the offending vehicle was also included showing a number of bikes had been attached to the back, which several commentators underneath the post pointed out were also obstructing the number plate and the taillights

"Hope [they] got a ticket for his rear lights and number plate being obscured," one person said.