A teenager has been arrested for allegedly burning down a derelict nightclub building in Swindon

A blaze broke out in the former Broadwalk nightlife venue on March 12 and it took 40 firefighters almost 12 hours to get the blaze under control. 

Several weeks later Wiltshire Police confirmed that a 16-year-old teenager has been arrested on suspicion of arson with intent to endanger life. 

That teenager has since been released on conditional bail and has not yet been charged. 

If the youngster is charged with the crime, his case will be seen before the Crown Court and carries a potential maximum sentence of life in prison, although sentences usually range between a high-level community order to 12 years in custody.

Read More: Pictures show devastating aftermath of town centre fire

Swindon Advertiser: What was left of the Broadwalk nightclub buildingWhat was left of the Broadwalk nightclub building (Image: Newsquest)

No one was hurt in the fire, and fire crews appeared to be able to restrict the flames to the abandoned building itself and prevent them from spreading to nearby businesses.

But the level of damage caused to the out-of-use Bridge Street building was extensive.  When the flames had dissipated the interior of the building was completely gutted and the ceiling had collapsed.

Most of Bridge Street was cordoned off by both police and fire tape the following morning, and two police officers were guarding the area. 

The cordon included the former Broadwalk building itself, as well as the nearby shops like the British Heart Foundation, the Regenerate store and Supreme Donner Kebab. 

The building was left in such an unsafe state that at the time fire crews could not enter it to begin investigations in an attempt to determine the cause of the fire. 

Read More: What the Broadwalk club in Swindon looked like before it burned down

A spokesperson for Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue said at the time: "We will do a reinspection later when the wind drops and we can use the aerial ladder platform safely.

"An investigation has started into the cause but this may take some time due to the damage caused to the building – it’s not currently safe to go inside."

Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue have been approached for an update on what they think caused the fire, or how it was started. 

As the fire started, eyewitnesses described hearing a crackling sound and then a loud bang.

One of these witnesses, Power Lounge manager Sanchoo Sancho, told the Adver that something like this was bound to happen because children frequently use the building as a hangout spot. 

Two teenagers, aged 14 and 15, were arrested on suspicion of deliberately starting a fire in the same building in 2021.