A SWINDON nursing home will see its 'requires improvement' rating remain - despite challenging the result with the health watchdog. 

Rose Cottage Nursing Home, on the High Street in Haydon Wick, was given an overall result of 'requires improvement' by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) after an inspection in December last year. 

But earlier this year Lee Mary Thomas, the registered manager at the home, called for a review of this rating. 

She had made the challenge due to contradictions in the report, with the CQC saying that the 'Effective' criteria was both 'requires improvement' and 'remains good'.

Read More: Rose Cottage Nursing Home questions newly given CQC rating

But the results of the CQC's review have now been published and the overall rating for Rose Cottage will be staying at 'requires improvement' after it was found to need to make positive changes in the 'Safe', 'Effective' and 'Well-led' categories. 

It is rated 'good' for the other two categories, 'Responsive' and 'Caring'.

A spokesperson for the CQC outlined the areas that the home needed to work on in order to improve. 

"There was a lack of procedures in place to assess and monitor the quality and safety of the service," they said. 

"Systems and processes to monitor and improve the quality and safety of the service were ineffective, this included medicines and assessments."

They added: "Record keeping was ineffective, therefore identifying trends for accidents and incidents were not carried out and no lessons were learnt.

Some of these issues included a failure properly investigate and safeguard two individuals after they were discovered to have bruising and to report this as potential evidence of abuse to the local safeguarding team. 

It included the keeping of prescribed thickening agents in an unlocked drawer in the dining room which placed residents at risk due to the accessibility of this medicine, which staff said would be rectified immediately. 

But all of the residents and family members that were spoken to by CQC inspectors said they were happy with the care they were receiving and was being given to family members. 

One resident said: "Safe- yes I have never felt anything different, the staff are good and they know what they are doing"

Another added: "I always have my call bell handy but I do not use it very often, but someone always comes."

Relatives added: "Yes absolutely, nothing's ever happened that I've not been happy with," and "She (relative) seems safe, she always seems happy."