A SWINDON man has talked of his delight at seeing an exotic ring-necked parakeet in his back garden for the first time. 

Military historian Jeremy Flack, 72, from Old Town just happened to look out of his window and saw through some branches what he initially thought was a pigeon using his bird feeder. 

But, he quickly realised that the bird in his garden was slightly more interesting than a pigeon.

"I thought it was a pigeon to start with, as I could only see it through some branches, but I quickly realised that it was moving too much for a pigeon, as it was darting about.

"Then, as I could see it better, I realised it was green, then saw it had a red curved beak."

Swindon Advertiser: Another photo of the ring-necked parakeet spotted in a Swindon gardenAnother photo of the ring-necked parakeet spotted in a Swindon garden (Image: Jeremy Flack)

Also sometimes known as a rose-ringed parakeet, Jeremy's visitor originally came from Africa and South Asia – but is becoming an increasingly common sight in the UK.

Jeremy added: "I enjoy having the birds in the garden, keep an eye out for the magpies, they go round and eat young birds, so I make sure we see the birds we want to see.

"We get woodpeckers and all sorts, but never something like this. It was fascinating to see it. 

Ring-necked parakeets have also recently been spotted at Coate Water.