A mother and daughter in Swindon have set up a group dedicated to supporting families who have had stillborn babies, miscarriages, and infant loss.

Jackie Dawson openly spoke to the Adver about her daughter’s stillborn birth of her grandson Luca last winter.

“My daughter Chye went into an 18-hour labour and gave birth to a stillborn son,” she said.

“She never got to hear Luca breathe but she got to hold him and no one can ever say that I’m not a nan.”

The 58-year-old soon found out alongside her daughter that although support services are offered by Great Western Hospital, these were not available at the time.

Swindon Advertiser: The mother and daughter duo set up the group in January.The mother and daughter duo set up the group in January. (Image: Jackie Dawson)

“The hospital provide boxes for those who have lost a baby but the charity wasn’t open at Christmas,” said Jackie.

“I said to Chye that there has to be more out there for people like us but after we searched, there was not as there was only private counselling available.”

This discover encouraged the pair to start a local support group called Butterflies: Baby Loss and Awareness Support Group.

“We named it Butterflies as we would say ‘fly high butterfly’ to Luca,” said Jackie.

“We want people to come to us and feel safe to talk about their babies as talking makes things feel better.”

The group was founded in January and launched its first meeting on Wednesday, April 5, and saw a large turnout.

“Nine people came to the first session and it is a place where you can be supported,” said Jackie.

“We just want to help people as the group has helped us.”

Chye especially has found the group very useful in comforting her following the terrible experience she endured.

“After losing my son Luca to stillborn, I feel lost and lonely,” said the 32-year-old.

“Having Butterflies to go to each week means that I get to spend time with people who have been through the same tragedy as mm and I get to be able to help someone at the same time.”

Group member Medina Bell said: “Being in the group is good for me because even though I never got to meet any of my babies I lost, going to Butterflies means I am not alone in the situation."

The group meet twice each Wednesday at the Des Moffatt Western Community Centre on Sommerset Road with meetings being held at 9.30am to 12pm and 6pm to 8:00pm.

Entry is free with cake and coffee available and you can find out more on Butterflies’ Facebook page here.