The Government is soon going to be testing an emergency alert on all mobile phones, but while it's designed to keep everyone safe, it could endanger others. 

Several victims of domestic abuse in Swindon will have their phone usage monitored by their partner, or even have their phones taken away. 

As a result, some might have secondary or hidden phones that they use, but the alert on Sunday, April, 23, risks exposing this to the abusive party, even if the phone is on silent. 

To help people that might be in this situation avoid being exposed, Swindon Borough Council has shared an advice video from Refuge, a charity providing specialist support for women and children experiencing domestic violence.

In the video, a spokesperson from Refuge explains to people who might be worried about this happening to them how to stop it. 

The video shows a step-by-step guide on how to disable emergency alerts on both Android and Apple phones. 

Refuge ends the video by encouraging anyone who is scared of their partner to call their helpline if they want to on 0808 2000 247.