ONE driver in Wiltshire has had a birthday not to remember after getting caught drug driving by the county's police force. 

Wiltshire Police's Roads Policing Unit (RPU) pulled over the unidentified female driver on Monday, April 17, after she was observed dangerously reaching speeds of 72mph in a 50mph zone. 

When she was pulled over officers from the Roads Policing Unit discovered it was the unfortunate driver's birthday and she brazenly told them she'd spent a pre-birthday "weekend smashing coke".

After completing a roadside drug wipe, which determined that she was driving under the influence of both cocaine and cannabis, the driver was taken to spend the rest of their birthday in police custody. 

The incident was shared on the Wiltshire Specialist Operations Twitter page, which provides updates on both the RPU and the county's armed response team. 

In the full tweet, a spokesperson for the force said: "Happy Birthday today to the driver of this car, captured travelling at 72mph on a 50mph road.

"After a pre-birthday 'weekend smashing coke' (her words) she failed the drug wipe too!!

"Party for one in custody, points and fines for speeding in the post (no card)."

Wiltshire Police consider speeding and drug driving to be two of their 'fatal five', along with using a mobile phone, not wearing a seatbelt and drink driving.