Police in Swindon are trying to get a suspected stolen bike back where it belongs.

Officers from the South Central neighbourhood policing team were involved in an incident with someone on a bike on Sunday, April 16. 

But the rider of the bike abandoned it and 'decided' to run away from the local officers, leaving it behind. 

The neighbourhood team then posted a picture of the bike in question on its dedicated Facebook page, in a bid to identify who it might have belonged to, as they believed it had probably been stolen. 

The bike has bright yellow handlebars and pedals, and it also has bright yellow lettering decoration that says 'Trek'. 

A spokesperson for the South Central neighbourhood policing team said: "Officers from the South Central neighbourhood policing team have possession of this bike. It was abandoned after a person decided to run off from Police Officers.

"We suspect that it is stolen and are trying to locate the owner.

"If you recognise this bike or believe it is yours please make contact with PC Whettam 2868 or PC Williams 2916 by phoning 101 and asking for your details to be passed to either officer."