A vital safe house for victims of modern slavery has opened in Swindon

South Swindon MP Robert Buckland has praised the work of Medaille Trust as it opened its 10th safe house on Friday, April, 18. 

The former Justice Secretary met with survivors of modern slavery at the event, and officially opened the building for use.

The safe house is the charity's second in town and provides nine en-suite rooms and extensive garden grounds, which staff hope to use to grow fruits and vegetables.

It houses male survivors of modern slavery. The other house caters for female survivors of modern slavery.

After declaring it open, Sir Robert said: "I am aware that a number of agencies are collaborating to tackle modern slavery in Wiltshire.

"But it is also vital that while we go after traffickers, we provide refuge and care to the men, women, and children escaping from those who exploit them.

"That is why I am delighted that Medaille Trust has expanded its work in this area by opening a new safe house for survivors of modern slavery.

Swindon Advertiser: Sir Robert Buckland cutting the cake at the new Medaille Trust modern slavery safe house with CEO Garry Smith and the house's staff.Sir Robert Buckland cutting the cake at the new Medaille Trust modern slavery safe house with CEO Garry Smith and the house's staff. (Image: The Medaille Trust)

"While at the house, I was able to meet and chat with some of the survivors and the staff supporting them.

"I was happy to hear about Medaille's work in providing not just accommodation but personalised support so that these survivors can recover from their terrible experiences and rebuild their lives.

"Medaille is a valued subcontractor under the Government's Modern Slavery Victim Care Contract (MSVCC) with The Salvation Army, which funds supported accommodation for victims of modern slavery.

"This charity is doing incredible work in my constituency, and I look forward to it continuing to grow and expand its work. As MP for this area, I stand ready to support it as much as possible."

Garry Smith, CEO of Medaille Trust, said: "The number of victims of modern slavery is sadly growing significantly every year. It is essential that all agencies respond to this increase with much-needed support for those who escape and seek refuge and protection.

"We have grown from one safe house in 2006 to 10 safe houses today offering accommodation to 133 men, women and children, through the generosity of supporters. 

Katie Zaccaro, senior safe house manager added: "I was delighted to be able to welcome Sir Robert Buckland and showcase the important work we all do here at Medaille, providing accommodation and support with passion and care."