ADVANCEMENTS in artificial intelligence are coming thick and fast and as a result, things like ChatGPT are becoming all the more popular. 

ChatGPT is a text-based AI that will answer any question you pose, and many have said that it is the future of essay writing in schools and colleges, as well as something likely to replace real journalists - like me - in the future. 

So, we thought we'd try ChatGPT and see what it could come up with when asked to write news stories on various Swindon-related topics in the style of our very own Swindon Advertiser. 

The first request was more general than the rest, with Chat GPT asked to write a 400-word breaking news story about Swindon

The AI could've written this about anything but decided to write a story about the town receiving a much-needed multi-million-pound funding boost. 

"According to sources, the town is set to receive a significant investment of £400 million from the UK government to help boost its economy and create jobs. The funds will be used to improve infrastructure, support businesses, and provide training opportunities for local residents," it said.

Before it then quoted a made-up entrepreneur named John Smith praising the move as helping to create growth and jobs.

Swindon Advertiser: Chat GPT wrote a news story about the Oasis Leisure Centre, in SwindonChat GPT wrote a news story about the Oasis Leisure Centre, in Swindon (Image: ChatGPT)

We then asked ChatGPT to write a story about the Oasis, of the same length, with the AI suggesting that the popular leisure centre had been closed 'for a year now' because of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Interestingly, it suggests the building should be turned into a multi-purpose community hub, and even includes a made-up quote from real-life councillor Dale Heenan. 

The computer claims Coun Heenan said: "We need to think creatively about how we can use this space to benefit the community. The Oasis has always been more than just a leisure centre - it's a place where people come together to socialize, learn, and connect. We want to build on that legacy and create something truly special for Swindon."

We asked ChatGPT about rising knife crime in the town and crashes on the A419. 

It suggested that there had been 13 serious or fatal crashes on the road between Swindon and Cirencester and that there were 32 incidents of knife crime involving under-18s in the area in the last year, compared to just 20 the previous year. Both of these seem to be completely made-up statistics with no bearing in reality. 

Swindon Advertiser: We asked ChatGPT to write a story about Swindon Town Football's Club recent poor performances - here it is.We asked ChatGPT to write a story about Swindon Town Football's Club recent poor performances - here it is. (Image: ChatGPT)

When called upon to write an article about a local Swindon celebrity, ChatGPT ignored Melinda Messenger and Billie Piper and instead opted to tell us about London-born Jessie J. It also fell short of the word count by 89 words.

It said: "Swindon is known for producing a number of talented individuals, including musicians, actors, and athletes. One such local celebrity, whose career has been making waves in recent years, is set to embark on a new project that has left fans eagerly anticipating what's next.

"The celebrity in question is none other than singer-songwriter Jessie J, who was born and raised in Swindon before making a name for herself in the music industry."

When asked about the town's football club and its run of recent poor performances, Chat GPT suggested that according to sources close to the club, there is a growing divide between the coaching staff and the board of directors.

It added: "Despite the turmoil at the club, there are some who remain optimistic that Swindon Town can turn things around. Interim head coach Tommy Wright has called on his players to "take responsibility" for their performances and has vowed to work hard to improve the team's fortunes."

The articles it produces are certainly well-written and almost certainly contain fewer spelling mistakes than mine, but they are also rigid, soulless, make up quotes and sources and are often inaccurate.