Everybody who has visited Swindon has something to say about the town's famous Magic Roundabout. 

And now, after being asked, artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT has weighed in on the debate - offering a view on how drivers wary of tackling of the multiple roundabouts should negotiate it.

On top of that, it has also explained how it thinks that the notorious junction could be improved. 

What do you think about these suggestions?

ChatGPT's advice for Swindon drivers on how to use the magic roundabout

The Magic Roundabout in Swindon can be a confusing and intimidating experience for some drivers. Here are a few tips to help you navigate it safely:

  • Take it slow: The roundabout is designed for slow-moving traffic, so take your time and don't rush.
  • Follow the road markings: The arrows and lines on the road will guide you through the roundabout. Follow them carefully.
  • Use your indicators: Indicate your intentions clearly so that other drivers know where you're going.
  • Keep your distance: Leave plenty of space between your car and the car in front of you.
  • Keep calm: Don't panic if you make a mistake or miss your exit. Simply go around the roundabout again until you get it right.

Remember, the Magic Roundabout in Swindon may look daunting, but with a little patience and careful navigation, it's possible to get through it safely and smoothly.

ChatGPT's recommendations for how to improve the Magic Roundabout

The Magic Roundabout in Swindon is a unique and complex road system, and while it may seem daunting to some, it is actually quite efficient and effective in keeping traffic flowing. However, there are a few improvements that could be made to make it safer and more accessible for all drivers:

  • Improved signage: Clear and visible signage could be added to guide drivers through the roundabout and indicate which lane they need to be in.
  • Additional road markings: More visible and distinct road markings could be added to make it easier for drivers to navigate the roundabout.
  • Pedestrian crossings: Pedestrian crossings could be added to allow pedestrians to cross the road safely and easily.
  • Cycling infrastructure: Dedicated cycling lanes could be added to make it safer and easier for cyclists to navigate the roundabout.
  • Roundabout education: More education and awareness campaigns could be implemented to help drivers understand how to navigate the Magic Roundabout safely and confidently.

Overall, while the Magic Roundabout in Swindon may be a challenging road system for some, with the right improvements and education, it could become an even more efficient and safe way to navigate traffic in the town.