POLICE are hoping to stamp out car thefts in Swindon with the public's help. 

Recently, the Swindon North, East and Rural Neighbouring Policing team revealed there'd been two expensive car thefts in Tadpole Garden Village and Oakhurst, sparking a warning to keyless car drivers. 

Following this, the Wiltshire Spec Ops Twitter account revealed a drone had been used to catch three figures they believed may have been prowling Swindon's streets for cars to steal following reports of 'suspicious people looking around' 

But now, police are hoping for the public to help further by checking any CCTV camera, or Ring doorbell footage they might have. 

A spokesperson for the North East and Rural Neighbourhood Policing team said: "More CCTV footage would be really helpful to the officers dealing with the car thefts.

"If you live in Blackwell Close, Mackay Crescent or William Morris Way and have cameras or a Ring doorbell could you please check for between 3.30am and 5am on April 19, 2023. If you spot anything please call 101 quoting 54230040880."

"If you live in or around Rosetta Close please check between 2am and 3am on April 9, 2023 please call 101 quoting 54230040878 if you have anything we should see."

The force also urged car owners to take their own measures to safeguard their own vehicles against prospective opportunistic thieves. 

The spokesperson added: "Meanwhile, can we appeal for people to continue to take action to protect their vehicles – park them in the garage if you can, block in cars with keyless entry with other vehicles on the drive, keep smart keys as far from the car as possible (someone suggested in the fridge!) and good quality CCTV both helps us and deters some offenders."

The neighbourhood policing team's Facebook page also recently made a post about the thefts, encouraging drivers of cars with keyless entry to consider investing in a piece of equipment to disrupt possible criminal activity. 

It said: "Hands up who knows the difference between a Faraday cage and a Faraday pouch," a spokesperson for the force said. 

"Well, one will protect you from lightning strikes, and the other will prevent your car from being stolen.

"Can we urge those of you who have keyless entry cars to invest in a pouch and keep your keys in it - so thieves can’t capture the signal and trick your car into unlocking and starting so they can drive off in it."