Another £3m has been provided by the government to Swindon Borough Council to help those struggling most with the cost of living.

Whitehall has announced that the council will receive £3,030,691 in this latest round of funding to help families that need support with the cost of essentials in the face of rising costs.

That sum is a combination of means-tested Cost of Living payments which provides £900 to those most vulnerable, the energy price guarantee payments and money available from the Household Support Fund.

Swindon’s two Conservative MPs Justin Tomlinson in North Swindon, and South Swindon’s Sir Robert Buckland welcomed the extra money.

In a joint statement they said: “Many families in Swindon are struggling with rising prices caused by global economic pressures including Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine.

“That is why we welcome the £3 million funding for Swindon Borough Council from this week to help vulnerable residents through the Household Support Fund, building on our record of helping those most in need through challenging times.

“The Household Support Fund is a vital scheme helping families that are unable to pay for essentials, extending the fund will help many more families in need this year.”

The Cost of Living payments are made automatically to households on means-teasted benefits, pensioners and people with disabilities.

Money from the Household Support Fund is allocated by Swindon Borough Council to families on low incomes.

There is a discretionary payment part to the fund scheme, but applications in Swindon are currently closed.