SEVERAL people have received head injuries after been attacked by a lone attacker in Swindon

Wiltshire Police believe there were many witnesses on Penhill Drive at the time who would have seen one man allegedly attack three others at around 10.55am on Friday, April 7. 

The victims are believed to have sustained injuries to their heads and faces. 

Police are now appealing for those witnesses to come forward and provide information that can help them in their investigation. 

Swindon Advertiser: Penhill Drive, Swindon, was the scene of a shocking attack that left three people with injuries to

PC Ryan Shears said: “We believe this incident was witnessed by a number of people including two men who got off a nearby bus and intervened.

“If you saw what happened or can help with our enquiries please contact us on 101 quoting reference number 54230036868.”