Swindon’s Green Party is aiming to have a significant say in local politics.

While the borough council chamber contains only Labour, Conservative and one conservative Independent councillor, both the Liberal Democrats and the Greens are hoping to take seats in this week's local elections.

The Greens have 10 candidates standing in the 19-seat elections.

And their manifesto promises changes which the party says would make the borough greener and help towards Net Zero goals.

If the party does well at the elections, and in a tight race, which might lead to no party holding overall control in the council chamber, it could be that one of two Green councillors get to exert quite a significant influence.

And in that case, we could see some of the changes promised.

The first item in the manifesto is the introduction of electric buses to the borough.

The Greens say: “Buses carry more people than any other form of transport in the UK. Buses are currently the fourth biggest emitter of carbon, based on emissions per user, behind domestic and long-haul flights and single-person car journeys.

“Electric buses produce no emissions whereas diesel versions produce carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide.”

The party says it will: “work with major bus operators Stagecoach West and Swindon’s Bus Company to introduce electric buses into the Swindon fleet and access £170m the government has pledged to restore lost services and improve the regularity of buses.”

Our houses might see changes as well if the Greens get to exert some power. The manifesto says the council will retrofit homes to make them more energy efficient and create green jobs.

It adds: “It’s generally agreed it’s more cost and energy-effective to try and energy-efficiently retrofit our homes – even the oldest, leakiest ones – than it is to knock them down and build new ones.

"By saving energy, the average household could reduce its emissions by 0.6 tonnes of CO2 per year. These measures could also save the average gas heated home £184 per year."

The manifesto says a Green council would make thermal imaging surveys of houses to identify areas for improvement and will also work to skill a local workforce to carry out the retrofitting work.

The Greens want to make walking and cycling easier and safer to encourage people out of cars.

The party’s manifesto pledges to: “Engage Sustrans to get expert advice on holistic cycle paths which are safe, continuous, direct, integrated and take people where they want to go in and around Swindon.”

It adds a promise to: “Develop the cycle network to support the integration of electric bike charging and secure bike parking at key locations and work with local community congestion spots – schools, hospitals, businesses to make safe cycle and walking paths.”

To increase biodiversity the Greens say they will “work with Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and other experts to create joined-up wildlife corridors across and beyond the borough.”

And the party promises to collect and recycle food waste from every home across the borough – policy which the council is already intending to roll-out later this year.

The manifesto concludes: “We are passionate about helping the people of Swindon thrive, not just economically with the provision of green jobs but by environmentally sustainable, affordable homes and businesses and an environment which is rich in biodiversity and lifts the spirit.

“We are committed to be being active in the local community and hearing the voice of constituents and bringing their ideas and concerns to the council. We will tackle the issues on the ground whether this is litter, dog theft, drug dealing or parking problems to make a real difference to the day-to-day life where you live."