The family of a Swindon woman killed by a taxi driver has welcomed stricter background checks for people who apply to use taxis and private hire vehicles (PHVs).

Christopher Halliwell murdered 22-year-old Sian O’Callaghan in March 2011 after she got into his taxi in Old Town. He later confessed to killing 28-year-old Becky Edwards in 2003.

The Department for Transport has now made it mandatory for all councils in England to use a national database which prevents drivers who lost their taxi licence from applying elsewhere without local authorities knowing about their previous offences.

In a statement, Sian’s family said: “To see this law being implemented and rolled out across all local authorities is testament to Sian.

“It was in her nature to help others and this means so much to us personally.

“Her name is now linked to a drastic improvement in passengers’ safety within taxis and private hire vehicles, while better protecting hard-working, law-abiding drivers.”

Swindon Advertiser: Sian O’CallaghanSian O’Callaghan (Image: Wiltshire Police and PA)

The database, hosted by the National Anti-Fraud Network, records all instances where taxi and PHV driver licences have been suspended or revoked, or applications have been refused, on safeguarding or road safety grounds.

The new measure has already proven to be successful.

In Luton, a driver's application was rejected after they failed to disclose that they had had a licence removed over safeguarding concerns, and someone who assaulted another taxi driver in Southampton was prevented from regaining a licence in Winchester.

All taxi and PHV driver applications must be checked on the system from March 27. 

Transport Secretary Mark Harper said: “The safety of passengers, especially women and girls, is paramount.

“That’s why I’m bringing in tough new measures to ensure that when you catch a cab, you can be confident your driver will take you from A to B safely and without incident.

“While the vast majority of drivers are hardworking and honest, we’re taking steps to remove the few who abuse their position and pose a risk to passengers.”

Suzy Lamplugh Trust chief executive, Suky Bakhar, said: “We hope this important step will pave the way to introducing a single consolidated legislative framework throughout England and Wales outlining clear and specific minimum standards for licensing taxi and private hire vehicle drivers to ensure consistency across all licensing authorities.”

Steve Wright chairs the Licensed Private Hire Car Association.

He added: “This measure will help prevent the unacceptable movement from one authority to another of those who are unfit to be in the sector.”