Residents of a Swindon street have been left terrified after being threatened by drug users - and now want to take the law into their own hands.

There have been multiple complaints of people using the alleyway between Jennings Street and Linslade Street in Rodbourne for drug use.

Shocked onlookers say they have seen addicts brazenly using syringes and needles, and that noise disturbances continue throughout the day.

When residents confronted the drug users, they say they have been met with abuse and violent threats.

Swindon Advertiser: The Rodbourne alleyway leads onto Jennings Street.The Rodbourne alleyway leads onto Jennings Street. (Image: Dave Cox)

This has left locals feeling fearful, helpless and wanting to take action against the problem themselves.

One 47-year-old resident, who wished to remain anonymous out of concerns for his safety, spoke to the Adver.

“They look a mess and there was a guy with his tracksuit trouser leg rolled up and he was digging a syringe into his ankle area,” he said.

“Dogs and children could stumble across the needles and that’s a real health danger.”

Swindon Advertiser: Residents say that the Rodbourne alleyway has been used by drug users in recent weeks.Residents say that the Rodbourne alleyway has been used by drug users in recent weeks. (Image: Dave Cox)

The disturbances first started around five weeks ago but it is getting stronger as more people are turning up.

Complaints say large groups use the Rodbourne alleyway throughout long periods of the day causing disruption and fear in the neighbourhood.

“It happens during midmorning from 9am until 10am and then 3pm to 5pm in the evening as you hear them shouting and making a nuisance of themselves,” the anonymous resident said.

“I lived in Rodbourne for all of my life and in this property for over 20 years and this is the worst it has ever been.”

Swindon Advertiser: Syringes have been seen in the alleyway by residents.Syringes have been seen in the alleyway by residents. (Image: Getty)

Residents have been left scared and angered by what they have witnessed in their local community with some locals being violently threatened.

These negative feelings and threats have prompted some residents to want to solve the problem themselves.

“There’s quite a few of us that are left sick with it and personally have been verbally threatened with swear words and violent language,” he said.

“I wish I was younger as I’m left feeling like I want to take the law into my own hands but obviously you can’t do that.

Swindon Advertiser: The alleyway has been the scene of several disturbances in recent weeks according to residents.The alleyway has been the scene of several disturbances in recent weeks according to residents. (Image: Dave Cox)

“I would love to use a big stick but we just have to tolerate but we shouldn’t have to.”

The police have been contacted but so far no action has been taken against the would-be offenders as of yet.

“I wish it wasn’t going on but if it doesn’t get dealt with properly it will only move to a different alleyway as I’m guessing my alleyway is the latest hotspot,” the resident continued.

Swindon Advertiser: Residents of the Rodbourne area have complained to the police about the problems.Residents of the Rodbourne area have complained to the police about the problems. (Image: Dave Cox)

“I think it’s going to get worse to be honest. I fear that they will come up my garden and damage my property or nick my washing. Whatever next?

“We’ve tried to contact the police but they’ve fobbed us, they take details and nothing happens.

“You do the right thing but nothing ever happens, I feel helpless.”

The Adver contacted Wiltshire Police and asked about their response to the incidents in Rodbourne.

Swindon Advertiser: Some helpless residents have spoke of wanting to take the law into their own hands.Some helpless residents have spoke of wanting to take the law into their own hands. (Image: Dave Cox)

A Wiltshire Police spokesperson said: “We place great stock in the information provided to us by the community – which we combine with other sources of information to allow us to take robust action against drug dealers or those engaged in other forms of criminality, with particular efforts made to identify those who are higher up the chain of offending.

“We would always ask members of the public to report suspected dealing in their area either by calling us on 101 or reporting online."