Plans for a new traveller site not far from one of England's prettiest villages have been rejected by after fierce local opposition.

The plan was for two pitches with space for a touring caravan, mobile home and dayroom in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty on legally agricultural land 200m south of Littleton Drew above the M4 - just a couple of miles from Castle Combe.

In the decision notice from Wiltshire Council says: “The application fails to provide sufficient information as to whether the site can be properly serviced and supplied with essential services, such as water and power.”

It adds the noise levels and fumes from nearby traffic mean the site is not suitable for living on.

It says: “The proposed development would result in unacceptable living conditions for future occupants due to noise impact and lack of mitigation measures.”

And adds: “The application fails to provide sufficient information to allow robust and comprehensive assessment of the ecological impacts of the proposal, including upon protected species and whether the development would result in no net loss of biodiversity.”

There was strong opposition to the development.

One comment on the application says: “I most strongly object to this application for a traveller site at this location on the edge of an unspoiled historical village in a supposedly protected Conservation Area in a doubly protected Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

"These travellers have already despoiled this area of green pastureland, cutting down trees and filling in a natural wildlife pond area, laying down concrete and hardstanding for their numerous vehicles all without care or permission. Why has this been allowed to happen?

"This site is outside of any development boundary, it will be used for commercial purposes, there is already what seems to be a large old shipping container on site and the proposal for a concrete breeze block permanent building is a disgrace.

"This is not a suitable site for family dwellings with children suffering adverse effects from the air and noise pollution of the motorway and what about waste disposal?

"All of the above contravene a great many planning laws and should not be allowed."

Another adds: “I'm disappointed and surprised that the council is entertaining such a proposal.

"I understand the plight of traveller communities and am sympathetic with the fact it is hard for them to find places to be accepted.

"However, there are far more appropriate places for them to be situated than besides a main road, in a place which ought not to be built on by anyone, is not the right place.”