The shocking scale of criminal activity faced by shops in Swindon town centre has been laid bare.

Managers of two high street stores, who wished to remain anonymous, have spoken candidly to the Adver about the incidents they encounter while going about their work - including drug dealing, mental health episodes, incessantly frequent shoplifting, public sex acts, hammer raids and stabbings.

There are fears workers will be "seriously hurt" if things don't improve.

On one occasion staff members stepped in to protect a stabbing victim and fight off a knife-wielding gang by throwing stock at them and closing the shutters. 

"I've worked in the town centre for a long time and it's been really disheartening to see the town go from having such an atmosphere, to this," the manager said. 

"Since Covid, it has got a lot worse. The town is taking a battering and often we're on our own because the police are so stretched that they can't help

"It's got to the point now that I worry about the safety of my team all of the time, especially when I'm not in. In my head, it's only a matter of time before one of them gets seriously hurt."

The manager of one store claims they have had to deal with multiple violent acts both inside and outside the building.

Swindon Advertiser: Swindon town centreSwindon town centre (Image: Dave Cox)

"They don't care, the people doing the stealing, the reason they come back is because they know they can get away with it," they said. "They've told me to my face that it's too easy.

"There was one day where a shoplifter punched a store manager, was arrested, and then was back in the town centre shoplifting later that day.

"For me, the issue isn't the police, I can see what problems they're facing, the issue is that no one is getting punished for their behaviour and it won't be too long until someone working in the town centre is seriously hurt because people are getting more desperate."

To help support each other, the two managers have joined forces with others in the shopping district and now have their own WhatsApp group chat where they communicate quickly and alert each other of incidents and provide support if needed.

But they feel that more needs to be done by Swindon Borough Council and Wiltshire Police to help. 

When inSwindon BID was responsible for Swindon town centre it had non-confrontational security, operated a radio system store owners could use and provided access to a system called DISC which was a shared information platform between stores.

But all of that was taken away in March when the BID closed.

While some of those systems have now been replaced, one of the store managers said the number of criminals targeting their store was 'eye-watering' and the losses being incurred from shoplifting were surprisingly big. 

Both of the managers say they desperately want the town centre to go get back to being what it once was - a bustling and vibrant shopping area - but say it will require a lot of work from multiple agencies to get there.

"Times are tough, without having this added pressure of dealing with all this crime. We all want to do what’s best for the town." the second manager said. 

The first added: "The retailers have a really good group of managers who want to turn Swindon's town centre around, but we need support to do that."

"No-one feels safe shopping here - and that needs to change."

Both the police and the council say they are aware of the issues and are putting measures in place to try and slow the tide. 

Swindon Advertiser: Swindon Borough Council hires new 'Safer Street Wardens' to deter crime and make people feel saferSwindon Borough Council hires new 'Safer Street Wardens' to deter crime and make people feel safer (Image: Swindon Borough Council)

Councillor Jim Grant, Swindon Borough Council’s cabinet member for communities and joint working, referenced the local authority's recent appointment of new Safer Streets Wardens.

“It’s great to have these officers on board and I hope they can be a benefit to local communities across Swindon," he said.

“We know there has been an increase in anti-social behaviour recently, not just in the town centre but across the borough, and we want to do whatever we can to deter that and make people feel safe.

“We will continue to work closely with our police colleagues to ensure we make the town centre a welcoming place for both local residents and visitors to Swindon.”

And Wiltshire Police confirmed the town centre is a priority for them. 

Inspector David Tippetts said: “The town centre has a small dedicated team of police officers and community support officers who are regularly out on foot patrol. One of the current Swindon Policing priorities relates directly to crime within the town centre and there is a structured plan in place to target offences of theft and associated anti-social behaviour.

“We will be running specific activities alongside routine patrols and working closely with partners and key stakeholders.

"The recent addition of the Safer Street Wardens is an extremely positive step and we will undertake joint patrols and share intelligence to target those who cause ASB within the town centre and beyond.”

A week of targeted action recently resulted in 33 suspects being arrested and charged for offences, and a dispersal order has also been implemented by a total of 16 police officers and 11 PCSOs. 

The force has also leafletted businesses, with 41 signing up for its community messaging.