A serial shoplifter who stole from town centre shops several times in three months has avoided jail.

Alonza Fallon, of Reevey in Kempsford, took washing items worth £95 from Wilko on The Parade on January 24, then went back on on February 7, to steal more washing items worth £59.

Fallon returned to the store on February 21 to take more of the same goods worth £72, then came back again on February 28 to steal even more washing items worth £83.

The 41-year-old stole food worth £95.50 from the Havelock Square Iceland on March 17 and more food worth £59.50 from the same shop on March 24.

After pleading guilty to the thefts at Swindon Magistrates Court on June 7, Fallon received a jail sentence of 12 weeks which will be suspended for one year and will not activate unless the defendant commits another crime or fails to comply with the probation service.

The reason given by the courts for this sentence was "because the defendant has a flagrant disregard for people and their property".

Fallon must also pay £154 to fund victim services. There was no order for court costs.