A mother and son from Swindon are putting the finishing touches to their Swindog sculptures.

Morgan Guillery from Mouldon View won the Swindon Advertiser's competition to create a design for one of 30 6ft-tall balloon dogs that will appear around Swindon next month as part of a town-wide art trail.

Swindon Borough Council then selected a design by his mum and fellow artist Judy for another of the Big Dog Art Trail's innovative pieces.

The event is being held in Swindon from July 15 to September 3 by Julia’s House and the global art producer Wild in Art.

At just 12 years old, Morgan is one of the youngest people to ever create a large sculpture on a Wild in Art trail.

He has been busy painting his Town Gardens sculpture ‘Steam Pup’ at the trail’s joint painting space, the Carriage Works in Swindon - a fitting location for the design that is inspired by Swindon’s history with the railways.

Swindon Advertiser: Morgan Guillery works on his Swindog sculptureMorgan Guillery works on his Swindog sculpture (Image: Judy Guillery)

Morgan said: “It’s crazy having a Swindog on The Big Dog Art Trail.

“I decided to go with a steampunk theme. It is silver and has lots of panelling designed into it representing Swindon’s heritage with the railway works.

“I’m excited to see people on the trail, when it is live, posing with a dog that I have painted.

“It’s been great working alongside my mum. We have overcome some difficult challenges putting my original two-dimensional design onto the 3D sculpture.”

Judy and the other artists - some from Swindon and others from further afield - have their own painting spaces in the historic building. 

Her sculpture will be nestled in the gardens of Swindon Borough Council's Euclid Street offices.

Judy's design reflects her art journey, which began with painting family trees and will now see her work on display to thousands of visitors.

She said: “It’s a dream come true to have a Swindog sculpture.

“My design is nature-based and will have the words ‘love grows’ across it with flowers and cute creatures.

“I wanted to do something eye-catching for children, where they could look for the different elements.

“It will be a chance for me to put my art on the map. It really feels like I’ve arrived.

“To do this alongside my son as well is very special.

“We are among some extraordinarily talented artists, which is such an honour. I’m really excited to get out on the trail and see the finished pieces.”

Visit www.bigdogarttrail.co.uk