A Swindon schoolgirl has become a published author after using her experience of the Covid pandemic to fuel her debut book.

Ella Kahan-Taylor of Rodbourne is currently in year 10 at St Joseph’s Catholic College where she is preparing to take her GCSE exams.

She began to write her book ‘Stars Can’t Shine Without Darkness’ during the pandemic after noticing lots of changes with her own life.

It has since been published and Ella explained to the Adver how the ideas of the book came about.

Swindon Advertiser: Ella's book has had a positive response from friends and family.Ella's book has had a positive response from friends and family. (Image: Irene Kahan)

“I always enjoyed writing from a young age but lockdown caused me to struggle a lot,” she said.

“There was a lot of changes with my friendship groups and at home so it was a diary in a way and it started off as a way to voice my feelings.”

The 15-year-old has enjoyed the experience of writing a book but does not plan to pursue a career in writing.

“I am definitely going to write some more books in the future but don’t plan on doing it as a career,” said Ella.

“I would like to be a barrister and a prosecution lawyer because I would like to pursue other things as the writing was purely just to get my message out there.

Swindon Advertiser: The book took two years and eight months to be fully written and published.The book took two years and eight months to be fully written and published. (Image: Irene Kahan)

“I have always liked debating in the law field so I am planning on doing law as a degree.”

The book took two years and eight months to complete but the process was made easier by a positive reaction to its release.

“It was difficult at points as the book was waiting to get edited for a year,” said Ella.

“At 60,000 words, it took a year and a half to write but it was worth it as I have had so much support from my family and friends who have all bought copies.

“We are even getting a copy of it at my school library as well as the British Library in London.”

Swindon Advertiser: Ella has not ruled out writing another book in the future.Ella has not ruled out writing another book in the future. (Image: Irene Kahan)

Ella has even appeared on a Spotify podcast to chat about her new book.

“It was quite scary because it was being recorded,” she said.

“I was inspired by Abi Edmonds who is a self-published young author and she started a YouTube channel and the videos helped me with my journey.

“I am going into primary schools around Swindon and give talks to younger people and hopefully inspire them to write as well.”

You can purchase a copy of Ella’s book here and you can listen to her podcast here.