Swindon has been labelled a 'once-quiet town' that is now 'plagued with guns and gangs in balaclavas prowling the streets'. 

That's the headline of an Express news article written about the town's ongoing struggle with violent incidents involving knives and, sometimes, guns. 

The national newspaper's article cites conversations with the family of Owen Dunn, who was stabbed to death last December, and also local councillor Adorabelle Shaikh, who has been proactive in tackling knife crime. 

Speaking to the news organisation, Dunn's sister-in-law Eilish Skeates compared Swindon to London

She said: "In London, you hear about the gangs carrying knives, wearing balaclavas and how it’s area versus area. Swindon is [now] almost a mini-version.

“The little wars between the areas are really, really stupid if you think about it. But they make young kids feel like they need to protect themselves."

Coun Shaikh is quoted as adding that people are "feeling scared to go out of their homes."

There have been two incidents involving a gun and someone being shot in the last 12 months, and three fatal stabbings since October 2021, when Lee Tuner was fatally stabbed. 

The most recent violent incident in Swindon was a stabbing in Shaw Forest Park that saw a teenager taken to hospital with serious knife wounds and another receiving facial injuries after being hit.