BELLA the dog has been found and is now home safe and well.

A frantic search was sparked when the brown and white German pointer went missing after being spooked on a walk on Saturday, August 13. 

The whole community, Wiltshire Police, pet rescue organisations and even drones were involved in the search for her which spanned a full week. 

But the news everyone was hoping for finally came in on Saturday when desperate owner Josh Powell confirmed she'd been found - in a neighbour's garden about 100 yards from her home. 

In a post on social media, he said, in all caps: "SHE IS HOME, SAFE."

He added: "Well, this is the post I have been hoping to make for this past - almost - week. Bella is HOME. She’s happy (albeit very tired) and seemingly very healthy.

"She hasn’t lost her smile as you can see from the photo."

There were numerous sightings of Bella in various nearby streets while she was missing, including Longleaze Road, Cloatley Crescent, Windmill Road and Noremarsh Road, but locals were unable to locate her. 

Eventually, police patrols, and SAR For Lost Dogs UK joined the search, using infrared cameras and drones to help locate the nervous pet.

In his statement, Mr Powell made sure to thank everyone for their help. 

"I don’t even know where to begin in thanking the entire community for their attempts to help find my best friend.

"More than 4,000 Facebook shares, 4 news articles and countless posters, emails and phone calls.

"I would tag everyone that has messaged me with help in how to navigate this, wishing me well, asking where they should search but I don’t think Facebook lets you make posts that long.

"There was just an absolute outpouring of kindness to me and my fSo happy for you that the most famous dog in Bassett is home safe and sound family and I have a huge debt to pay back to so many.

"I would especially like to thank Drone SAR for Lost Dogs UK, who were awake day and night to help."

The public, who came together to help look for Bella, has welcomed the positive ending to this ongoing story. 

One person said: "Bless her, what an adventure, I bet she’s so grateful to be home and I bet she won’t do it again in a hurry!"

Another added: "So happy for you that the most famous dog in Bassett is home safe and sound."