"Towns like Marlborough do not need further limits."

That was the message from some residents after it was revealed the Wiltshire town is set to have new 20mph speed limits imposed, with the town council saying plans were “in the queue for action”.

Currently, 20mph speed limits are already in force throughout most of the central roads in the town.

But Marlborough Town Council has now proposed to reduce the speed limit on a number of roads coming into the town as well, including the A4, George Lane, Herd Street, Salisbury Road and Pewsey Road.

Marlborough councillors were quick to share their excitement and positivity towards the news, but it seems some residents are not so keen.

“I think this is an awful idea,” said Ashley de Safrin. "It takes forever to drive anywhere these days, and further limits make driving even less palatable.

“While I support a 20mph speed limit in areas where there are schools, and therefore risk to children, towns such as Marlborough do not need further limits. 

“On roads such as the A4 drivers are often using these roads for long distance driving, and the roads are often congested owing to volume of traffic.  This in itself should be adequate limitation."

Mr De Safrin is concerned that this method of traffic control is just not realistic, and would be better suited to big cities where people have the option to take more regular public transport instead of driving.

Other residents such as Alan Wilson shared their concerns that the new limit is well meaning but ultimately pointless.

“It is a good idea, but unless there’s enforcement action for those who continue to ignore speed limits then it won’t have the impact required,” he said.

The High Street, Kingsbury Street, Barn Street, St Martins and smaller feeder roads in Marlborough were all reduced to a 20mph speed limit in 2019, in an attempt to make the town safer and less polluting.

However, speeding continues to be an issue in the town.

Not all residents are against the change though, as Paul Williams pointed out.

“As a village resident, I would condone the limiting of traffic in Marlborough to 20 mph,” Mr Williams said.

“To be honest, it’s rare that anyone gets close to 20mph in the normal day, so it won’t make a huge difference. I would however also expect the A4 out to the Roebuck to be limited, to be consistent with reasoning."