A distraught dog owner is facing £14,000 in vet bills after the pet who helped her through the darkest times of her life suddenly fell ill.

Kate Adams adopted Poppy five years ago while struggling to cope with a series of personal tragedies.

This included the breakdown of her marriage, the deaths of a beloved aunt and best friend from cancer, her granddaughter being stillborn, a severe mental health breakdown, and an accident at work that required knee replacement surgery.

Through all this, the store manager at the Sue Ryder charity shop in Highworth says the cocker spaniel gave her a reason to get up in the morning and saved her life during a dark time.

But in recent days, Poppy’s health has rapidly deteriorated after a phantom pregnancy led to the discovery of a severe chest infection known as pyrothorax.

Kate told the Adver: “Poppy is the most loving funny and loyal little dog who really is my best friend.

“Without her, I wouldn’t have got through the moments I’ve faced. She’s my little shadow.

“She’s helped me through my darkest moments and I’m missing being without her so much.”

Swindon Advertiser: Poppy the dogPoppy the dog (Image: Kate Adams)

After being treated for the phantom pregnancy, Poppy continued to be poorly. Her breathing became shallow, she could not move, and lost her appetite.

Her concerned owner contacted a vet and booked an X-ray for the four-legged friend which revealed pus in the animal’s chest that required immediate surgery to drain away.

Kate’s insurance is reportedly not covering the costs of the treatments, which could leave her £14,000 out of pocket as Poppy's life hangs in the balance.

Friend Karen Hart set up a fundraiser to help cover the costs of the soaring medical bills.

She said: “Kate has been through a hell of a journey that would break even the strongest of us.

“Poppy has been her saviour and doesn’t leave her side. This dog is more than just the family pet, she rescued Kate.

“As Kate has not been working due to the knee replacement, money is very tight and all she needs is her saviour to be back by her side.

"I understand that with the cost of living crisis money is very tight, so if you can spare even a couple of pounds to help towards this ever-mounting vet bill, it will help Kate’s mental health to protect her from having to worry about this cost to save Poppy.”

Visit www.gofundme.com/f/kate-pay-for-vet-bills-for-her-saviour-poppy

Swindon Advertiser: Poppy the dog with owner Kate AdamsPoppy the dog with owner Kate Adams (Image: Kate Adams)