A new bleed kit is to be set up at the Kings Arms in Old Town to help save anybody who might be a victim of a stabbing.

Owen’s World is a Community Interest Company that was founded by the family and friends of Owen Dunn, an 18-year-old who was stabbed to death on December 4, 2022.

It is the first of its kind in Old Town with the kit located on Wood Street, which sees a busy nightlife, but will be the 11th to be set up in Swindon.

Anyone suffering from heavy bleeding can access the kit and it can be used to reduce the bleeding and give the victim more time before medical attention arrives.

The cost of the kit has been split between Owen’s World, the King’s Arms and Willsecure, the security company which employs the door staff at the King’s Arms.

Emma Anderson, 49, head of door staff at the King’s Arms contacted Owen’s World as she thought it would be a great idea to have one in Old Town.

She said: “Putting the bleed kit in might help, it might save someone’s life.

“Its such a busy area around old town which is why I’m surprised these things aren’t available anyway.

“There are so many stabbings, in the past few years in Swindon, so many kids have lost their lives through knife crime and there are a few that happened in Old Town and surrounding areas.

“If them things (bleed kits) were available, it could have prevented them, if they knew where it was and if it’s advertised rightly and people know where these bleed kits are, somebody can save someone’s life one day.”Swindon Advertiser:

Jo Davis, 39 is a spokesperson for Owen’s World and her son was best friends with Owen, she said: “They need to be everywhere.

“It is a kit that contains everything to stop a major bleed. We provide them because we lost Owen and when he was stabbed to death, there was nothing around in the area at the time to save him, we are trying to save someone else from going the same way.

“It might just give the community reassurance knowing that there is something in the area if they need it."

Owen’s World has now introduced a map on its website to make it easier to locate the kits that are in Swindon.