RESIDENTS are at the end of their tether after their town centre apartments have frequently been invaded by suspected homeless people and used as a 'drug den'.

Ceara Friday, 21, lives in The Lock Apartments in Swindon town centre and has done so for two years. 

She says that during this time homeless people and drug users have frequently gained access to the building by breaking in through the poorly secured front door or via other means, leaving her and other residents vulnerable. 

Ceara has frequently had to walk past intimidating groups of people who do not live in the building and who are often drinking or taking drugs in the corridors or staircases.

Often there will be human urine and faeces, used needles, vomit and other bodily fluids left behind. 

Recently, Ceara also went to put her rubbish in the bin store and walked in on a man committing a lewd act after breaking in.

"I had this, sort-of, sordid feeling of realising I really do live in a hovel, and it shouldn't be like this. Young children live here," she said.

"That incident was horrible, I shouldn’t have to see it and as silly as it sounds, never going to get that image out of my head.

"I don’t want to go to the bin store ever again."

On top of issues in the communal areas, Ceara's flat was broken into in December which has made her even more fearful. 

"It’s terrifying not feeling safe in your own home," she said.

"I'm often on my own and on many occasions I have to walk past maybe six of them. It's scary and I don't want to go to my own home. Sometimes I get there and I just start shaking."

Ceara has tried to get MCR Homes to install better security at the site to no avail and has said that the company is slow to fix security issues.

She pointed to the fact that the magnetic lock for the front door had been broken and 'hanging off' for over a week, meaning anyone could just walk into the building. 

Seeking help, Ceara has made multiple reports to both Wiltshire Police and Swindon Borough Council, who she says have done what they can. 

PCSO Jeffries of Wiltshire Police said: “We are aware of ongoing reports of anti-social behaviour at the Lock Apartments over the last 2 or 3 years.

“Over the last few months, there have been a number of reports police have responded to. The Force has appointed me as a designated officer to try to help solve the issues. A patrol plan has been put in place where we are patrolling the site several times a week. 

“Further to this we have been in contact with the owners to take steps to improve physical security of the building.”

A spokesperson for MCR Homes, says it is committed to addressing the concerns raised. 

They said: "Unfortunately, there is a much wider issue locally with homelessness in this area. This in turn has led to instances of antisocial behaviour and concerns around safety.

"We understand the importance of resolving these matters in the most effective way possible and have requested an emergency meeting with Swindon Council to address this as a matter of urgency.

"The property has proved to be an easy target for antisocial behaviour as it has immediate on-street access directly in front of the property - the council recognise this is not a property management issue. 

"We support and empathise with our tenants and are keen to introduce long-term measures that manage the problems effectively rather than introduce a short-term fix, however, this is ultimately the responsibility of the council and we urge them to act quickly and effectively."