Changes are coming to the Greenbridge Road and Marlowe Avenue area of Swindon, near the headquarters of WHSmiths – and Swindon Borough Council would like to hear from residents about it.

Houses are already being planned and constructed on the Oakfield development – but the council has a much larger masterplan for the entire area covering the WH Smith distribution centre, Greenbridge Road industrial estate, Greenbridge Road itself and the land around and including Swindon Rugby Club.

The master plans are available on the council’s website at

Swindon Advertiser: How the Greenbridge Road and Marlow Avenue areas might develop

They show the area would be divided into four zones: the Greenbridge Quarter, south of the WHSmith buildings and bounded by Drakes Way; Greenbridge Central, the area on the other side of Greenbridge Road where there are playing fields and the pitches used by Swindon Rugby Club; a Green Corridor to the east of that separating it from the Marlowe Avenue  Neighbourhood; and Marlowe Avenue Neighbourhood, the area around Twyford Close and Ringwood Close.

The Greenbridge Quarter is seen as suitable for “a thriving mixed-use neighbourhood which will support the long-term future of successful existing businesses, and delivery of a high-quality mixed-use residential development”.

The council wants the area to "support the long-term future of successful existing businesses, but will also support the delivery of high-quality mixed use residential development".

Across Greenbridge Road in Greenbridge Central, the council envisages new “much-needed affordable housing” and a bigger and better clubhouse for the rugby club which could also be used by the wider community.

Swindon Advertiser: The masterplan for Greenbridge Road and Marlowe Avenue

The Green Corridor would include two new rugby pitches, including an all-weather one, plus allotments, open green space and a new play park away from the road. The existing community forest area will be kept and be part of the corridor with new habitats created for increased biodiversity.

"New meandering footpaths and cycleways will be installed, natural play features will be dotted along the route and new trees will be planted," the consultation documents read.

The areas around Twyford Close and Ringwood Close on either side of Marlowe Avenue have been identified as suitable new affordable housing, with the garages in Ringwood Close and George Selman Gardens being removed to allow this.

The council’s plans says walking and cycling routes through the whole area would be improved.