A suspected serial graffiti vandal has been caught on camera tagging a Swindon shop.

Local residents say that the suspect is working alone and vandalising the town in several different locations.

The alleged vandal is recognisable with signature symbol as well as the number 42.

One victim of the spray paint, who wished to remain anonymous, spoke to the Adver about the problems that the individual is causing in the town.

“There has been an increase in graffiti in the new and old town of Swindon in recent weeks according to the police,” said the resident.

“I have taken photographs of one particular graffiti and also obtained a CCTV image of them spraying on the shop in Angel Ridge.”

The tagged shop’s CCTV images appear to show the suspect spraying paint onto several sections of the property including the shutters.

Swindon Advertiser: The post box on Westlecot Road was vandalised.The post box on Westlecot Road was vandalised. (Image: Public submission)

Residents are now worried about the level of vandalism as well as their safety which led them to report the matter to Wiltshire Police.

Despite making officers aware of the potentially criminal matter, they say that the force was unwilling to act on the issue.

“It’s been reported to the police but they closed the case without any further leads,” continued the anonymous resident.

The shop is just one of many buildings and locations that the suspected graffiti vandal has tagged with their tell-tale signs.

Swindon Advertiser: The Richard James advertisement board which was also tagged.The Richard James advertisement board which was also tagged. (Image: Public submission)

A post box on Westlecot Road in Old Town as well as the brick wall by the sign on Goddard Avenue have also been tagged with graffiti.

Several other walls in and around Old Town have been targeted by the suspect while a large board advertising estate agent Richard James was also been vandalised.

"I aint no criminal I just like to paint," the graffiti reads.

Road signs as well as other pieces of graffiti have been painted over with the signature yellow, black and white colours which appear to be synonymous with the suspect’s work.

Swindon Advertiser: The suspected tag signature of the individual.The suspected tag signature of the individual. (Image: Public submission)

“The worst and most shocking is the image of the post box on Westlecot Road which is not a pleasant sight for the residents and anyone visiting Town Gardens,” added the anonymous resident.

“This person is quite prolific in the Old Town area and I think they are now using the tag 42 on different graffiti but may be a coincidence.”

Wiltshire Police are yet to respond to a request for comment from the Adver.