A Swindon resident who built World War Two planes and handled lions has celebrated her 100th birthday.

Hetty Yarranton moved to the town in the 1950s, settling in Penhill after being born and raised in London.

Before arriving in Wiltshire, Hetty worked a variety of jobs including manufacturing planes during the Second World War.

“My first job was as a nanny just after leaving school and also worked in the printers, checking for typos,” she said.

“I enjoyed most of my jobs and I always got on well with everyone and I have had several different ones.

Swindon Advertiser: Hetty is celebrating her 100th birthday this week.

“I worked in an aircraft factory during the Second World War to help build the aeroplanes and there was a lot of work to do on those wings.

“I loved getting on the machines and when I worked in there it was the first time I heard some swear words.

“I was innocent when I went in there but I was totally different when I left.”

The war proved tough for Hetty as well as her family and friends with the everyday dangers of living in London at the time.

“We had to rush to the shelter during the blitz and when the siren used to go off people would scatter,” she added.

Swindon Advertiser: Hetty (left) with her son.Hetty (left) with her son. (Image: Hetty Yarranton)

“We all had to learn first aid in case there was a bomb dropped nearby but it could have been worse.”

Hetty became a family woman following the war and is a mother to six children: Michael, Steffen, Sue, Richard, Stan and Peter.

The 100-year-old also has enjoyed travelling around the world in her younger years, visiting the likes of Morocco, Greece, Italy and Germany as well as Australia.

“I love travelling and I handled snakes and lion cubs over the years because I love animals as they care about you more than anything,” she said.

Swindon Advertiser: Hetty with family and friends at a coronation party in 1953.Hetty with family and friends at a coronation party in 1953. (Image: Hetty Yarranton)

“Germany was an interesting place and Italy wasn’t bad either but I loved the countryside in the car rather than the town.”

Hetty now lives at Espringham House in Upper Stratton after staying in the town for her family and, despite her age, remains very active.

“I’m alright to be 100, I still feel young at heart as I go swimming and I am not idle,” she said.

“I can still touch my toes but I can’t quite do the splits anymore.

“I enjoy myself and I love to laugh.”