A Swindon branch of Sports Direct is set to close soon. 

Signs have been put up at the Orbital Retail Park store confirming it is shutting down, and advertising 20 per cent off everything that is full price.

Inside the store are several more signs encouraging people to ask for the 20 per cent discount when they get to the till. 

Staff members inside the store were unable to say exactly when it might close, but indicated that it would be sometime in late January 2024.

They were reportedly told of the closure themselves on Monday. 

One customer said: "Very sad for the staff there who haven’t been told if they’ll have a job."

Another added: "Another store closing is never good news and I do feel for the staff, but let's hope that something else replaces it so as the Orbital is a great place to go shopping really."

Sports Direct's only other store in town is in Regent Street and also houses Game.

The company has been approached for further comment.