A humourous sign has been placed in a "swamp" next to a busy Swindon roundabout, warning residents to "beware of ogres".

A sign which reads ‘The Swamp - Beware of Ogres’, feature a rudimentary drawing of an ogre, has been put up on a waterlogged field next to Coate roundabout.

Andy Brice, 57 who lives in Lawn described the land which has been flooded as a “swamp” and “a hideous eyesore”.

He said: “It is an eye sore, it is a disgrace.”Swindon Advertiser:

The land is on the edge of the busy Coate roundabout, next to a crossing which takes people from Coate Water across the bottom of Marlborough Road.

As Swindon has experienced heavy rain over the past few months, the land has filled with water and mud.Swindon Advertiser:

Two subways which connected Queens Drive and Marlborough Road to Coate Water were filled in earlier this year. The Adver previously reported on the public's response to the decision to fill in the subway.

The public consultation for the filling in of these underpasses which took place in February and March 2021 received 165 concerns from the public. It was approved in April 2022.

The underpass was filled in in May 2023.

Meanwhile, Labour candidate for South Swindon at the next election, Heidi Alexander, said: “This area is a state. I know we’ve had a lot of rain recently but it was looking pretty ropey before the latest deluge.

"I’ve been in touch with Cllr Neil Hopkins to see whether the borough or parish council can do anything to improve the area and he’s told me he is going to try to organise a site visit with Cllr Chris Watts and appropriate council officers.

"It may be that some planting could improve the way the area looks but I am worried that the basic drainage might not be up to scratch either.

"This project was the brainchild of the previous Conservative council and like so many things at the moment, the new Labour administration are grappling with a somewhat challenging inheritance.”

Swindon Borough Council has been contacted for comment.