Pharmacy and beauty giant Superdrug looks set to be taking over a recently vacated shop at the Orbital centre in north Swindon.

The chain has lodged an application to change the frontage of the unit previously used by Sports Direct which announced its closure just before Christmas.

The company wants to change the signage on the unit opposite the library and fronting onto the shopping park’s central plaza.

The familiar cursive script will feature on the canopy above the shop and also right across the glass of the front.

Swindon Advertiser: How the new Superdrug store is set to lookHow the new Superdrug store is set to look (Image: Superdrug)

The store’s application says: “The proposed works to the front elevation and the installation of new signage are required to facilitate the occupation of the unit by the incoming tenant, Superdrug.”

The company wants to move existing sliding automatic double doors from the centre of the shopfront to the left-hand side.

And it also has asked for “the installation of a new pink LED lighting ‘goal post’ illumination feature to the front face of the shopfront glazing” as well as steel security shutters behind the glass.

The application says the works will be of high quality.

According to the Swindon Borough Council website, this application is still pending a decision.