Dozens of private hire and taxi drivers in Swindon are distraught after months of frequent break-ins.

The motorists say the yellow taxi plates that Swindon Borough Council policy requires them to stick to their cars at all times makes them targets for thieves.

More than 100 drivers are part of a WhatsApp group chat in which a new break-in is flagged up every other day, which is costing them thousands of pounds in repairs and missed time off work.

Some have put a notice on their window advising would-be thieves that there is nothing of value left inside.

Mungai Nijiriri said: “People walk up to the cars in broad daylight and break into them. It’s happened in Gorse Hill, Rodbourne, and the town centre.

“Even when you go to the supermarket, someone’s broken into the taxi by the time you’re in the shop.

“They are so daring now because they know they can get away with it.

“When customers book us on the app, they get all the information about our vehicle and can track where it is. We don't need plates.”

Suggested solutions include magnetic signs for the roof or requiring a removable sticker to be displayed prominently on the windscreen.

Muhammad Yasin is leading the effort to raise awareness of this crime spree as part of a group known as the Swindon Driver Alliance.

He said: “It’s ridiculous. The thief gets a few coins in change – or nothing – but the driver has to pay hundreds of pounds to get back on the road, and then it happens again.

“You have to keep the taxi plates screwed onto your car even when you’re not working, or are with family. Imagine driving around on a Saturday night while drunk people are banging on the car shouting ‘Taxi!’ while your wife and kids are inside.

“This is a very important trade for Swindon, but drivers are left out of pocket with their cars in the garage, losing work and losing money.

"While we understand the challenges faced by the local authorities, the current situation calls for innovative solutions to ensure the safety of our drivers and reduce the strain on our police resources.

"We propose a modernised plating policy which aligns with the advancement of the private hire industry, and need the council to take action.”

A Swindon Borough Council spokesperson said: “We were very concerned to hear that private hire drivers are being targeted in this way and understand why they are looking at ways to stop this from happening.

“However, the policy which requires drivers to have a license plate attached to their vehicles at all times is in line with the Department for Transport’s best practice guidance.

"It allows the travelling public to have confidence that the vehicle they have booked is the one they have booked over the phone, through an app, or online.

“This prevents people from getting in the wrong vehicle, which invalidates the insurance of the driver making it a risk to all. Failure to display a plate is also an offence under government legislation.

“Having a visible plate allows our licensing team and our partners, such as Wiltshire Police, to quickly identify private hire vehicles so they know they are licensed by the council.

“From the information we received from drivers and the police, the vehicles that were broken into had items of value inside. We advise all drivers to empty their vehicles at the end of their working day.

“A review of the Taxi Licensing Policy is currently out to consultation and we would encourage licensed drivers to feed in their views. This can be found on the council’s website.”