A cowboy builder who carried out substandard work and left a loft conversion at risk of collapse has received a suspended sentence after an eight-month investigation.

Raj Kumar Bagga, 59, from Woodside Avenue, was given an eight-month suspended prison sentence at Swindon Crown Court on Friday, February 23.

He admitted three charges under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations following an investigation by Swindon Borough Council's Trading Standards team.

The charges all relate to work undertaken by Bagga whilst he was trading under the name R and L Building Solutions at three separate Swindon properties between April and August 2022. 

He undertook work which was substandard and left incomplete after taking money in advance, leaving each of his victims grossly out of pocket.

Pictures released by the council show the shocking state of a loft conversion carried out by Bagga.

A surveyor’s report concluded that work was unsafe and that there was a real possibility the structure could catastrophically collapse.

Wires were left dangerously hanging, there were holes in the floor and there was even a dangerously protruding snapped piece of timber left.

Bagga's eight-month prison sentence was suspended for 18 months and he will also have to complete 200 hours of community service and 25 days of rehabilitation activity.

He was also handed a criminal behaviour order, prohibiting him from undertaking any building work in his own capacity for 10 years.

In his sentencing remarks, Judge James Townsend told Bagga he was not of good character and described him as a cowboy builder who was highly reckless and had caused his victims suffering and misery.

Councillor Jim Grant, Swindon Borough Council’s cabinet member for communities and joint working, said: “This individual’s actions were reprehensible as he showed complete disregard for the trust his customers placed in him.

“They thought he was carrying out work to improve their homes, yet he destroyed their hopes and dreams leaving behind a trail of shoddy sub-standard work, often incomplete.

“We will not tolerate this type of behaviour from traders in the Borough and will continue to take action to clamp down on rogue traders when reported to us.”