A parent who was driving with their infant daughter in the back seat has been caught speeding at over 100mph on the M4.

Wiltshire Police’s Specialist Operations team were out patrolling the motorway on the evening of Monday, February 26, when they spotted a car travelling at excessive speed.

The officers followed the driver travelling at 114mph in the outside lane of the motorway at 8.25pm, and they proceeded to follow the car to Membury services.

When eventually pulled over, the driver of the speeding vehicle explained they had an infant child crying in the back of the car, which caused the driver to go faster.

“114mph along the M4 because your infant daughter is crying in the back is the opposite of a good excuse,” said a spokesperson for the specialist operations team.

“So distracted, this driver was unaware they’d passed the static speed check, or that they were then followed by a marked vehicle to Membury.”

The speeding driver has now been issued with a court summons, and police officers have warned the public to avoid committing the ‘fatal five’ offences.

These include speeding, drink/drug driving, using a phone while driving, not wearing a seatbelt, and careless or dangerous driving.