Swindon should be greener and much leafier over the next few years as the borough council steps up its planting of trees.

The local authority has just awarded a contract for £95,000 to specialist company Laurel Landscapes, based near Cardiff, to plant more trees in one of its country parks.

And volunteers will also be helping to put another 10,000 trees in the borough’s soil this year

The contact to Laurel Landscapes is for planting at Stanton Country Park and the document inviting bids said: “Project includes planting of areas of mixed woodland to enhance and extend existing ancient woodland at the park, and planting of individual trees and clumps of trees within fields and within historic parkland area.

“The contract will include planting, all plant protection and two years maintenance of trees while they establish.”

And the council is also looking for volunteers to join in planting sessions in the next two planting seasons this year at Stanton and the borough’s other two country parks Mouldon Hill and Coate Water.

Between 2020 and 2023, the Council, through the government-funded Trees for Climate programme and the Great Western Community Forest, planted 35 hectares of woodland -more than 40,000 trees – and it wants to get another 10,000 in the ground by the end of the year.

Councillor Chris Watts, cabinet member for the environment and transport, said: “It’s amazing to see how many trees have already been planted and how many we still intend to put in the ground.

“One of our key council missions is on net zero and supporting the borough to reach the UK-wide target to reach net zero by 2050. We want to do as much as we can to make that a reality.

“While it may seem like the simplest thing to do, planting more trees is hugely beneficial to the local environment, as well as creating fantastic places for residents to enjoy.

“If anyone has any spare time, I encourage them to come along to one of the scheduled tree planting sessions and get involved in what your local community is doing.”

Panting is taking place thanks to the support of South Marston Parish Council and St Andrews Parish Council, who organise tree planting sessions.

The Wiltshire Wildlife Trust also has a partnership with the council to plant new trees as part of the Swindon Forest Meadows project.

See the parish and borough councils’ websites for dates of the sessions.