The Victorian Baths and Health Hydro in Milton Road should be “once again at the heart of the local community, bustling with life: delivering community health and well-being requirements; a social hub for local families; leisure facilities for the wider town".

The small pool and the splendid original Victorian entrance in Faringdon Road should be restored as a matter of priority, according to the Friends of the Health Hydro – a fundraising and campaigning group.

It comes as the Friends published what it calls “A Positive Vision For Swindon’s Health Hydro”.

Swindon Advertiser: The original awning and entrance to the Health Hydro in Faringdon RoadThe original awning and entrance to the Health Hydro in Faringdon Road (Image: Friends of the Health Hydro)

The document says: “The Health Hydro demonstrates that ordinary people can get together to produce incredible results.

"It is a unique building that was part of a total health service funded from rail workers’ pay packets.

"The building and the services that it provided were an inspiration for the National Health Service.

"The Hydro has played a central part in the town’s history, but it is also of national, not just local, importance.”

The vision says the organisation recognises that the needs of modern-day residents are different from those of the railway workers of the mid-19th century but it adds: “When the Hydro was built there was a large population resident in the centre of town - this is again the case, with many nearby offices being turned into flats and houses being turned into multiple occupier dwellings.

Swindon Advertiser: The small pool at the Health HydroThe small pool at the Health Hydro (Image: Friends of the Health Hydro)

“The building is an incredible survivor with the vast majority of the original layout and features intact - if a little tired - and we are determined to see them restored.”

One of the most important is the small pool, which was originally constructed for use by women and children.

The vision says: “We have received more comments on the small pool than any other aspect of the Hydro, it is important to so many in Swindon and has become a highly emotive subject since its untimely closure seven years ago.

“We fully advocate the reinstatement of the small pool.

“It is the perfect facility for schools to meet their responsibility to teach Swindon’s children to swim. The small pool is ideal for family fun, children’s parties, aquafit, swimming lessons and mother and baby sessions."

The Friends group would also want to see the entrance awning on Faringdon Road restored: “We would like to see an impressive main entrance into the building. This would act as a beacon and advertisement to all who pass by.”

As well as ensuring that the large pool is heated and insulated efficiently, and the fabric of the building restored, the Friends’ vision sees more use of the dry side of the Hydro. Originally this was used by railway workers and their families as a place they could see a doctor and get medicines.

The vision document would like to see that health care use return, as well as other uses: “The extensive dry side offers major opportunities. There is scope for community activities, children’s parties, exhibitions and conferences. Also, dedicated offices for community groups.

“There could be opportunities for the National Health Service and for complementary medicine to work side by side. Doctors’ surgeries and dentist practices might come in but also chiropractors, chiropodists and other practitioners; community nursing, a diabetic clinic – all kinds of possibilities.

“The Hydro is perfectly situated to provide a health hub for the local community.”

To encourage use the group advocates for pedestrian crossings on Faringdon Road, and Milton Road, as well as cycle parking at the Hydro and reduced parking fees for users.

The vision concludes: “The Health Hydro was a centre of excellence built to high standards with the best materials. It is still fit for use in ways that put many more modern buildings to shame. Fully restored, it can deliver the same values that inspired it to be built 130 years ago."