Drivers were caught speeding along a busy Swindon road as police carried out more checks in the town.

The fastest driver was stopped after breaking the 40mph speed limit on Thamesdown Drive at 61mph.

Many others were stopped throughout the evening of Tuesday, February 27.

Officers were acting on concerns raised by residents over the speed of drivers along the road.


Three drivers were reported to court. Pictures of the device used to measure how quickly the vehicles were going and the speed they were recorded at were posted on X by the Roads Policing Unit.

The three drivers were going 61mph, 53mph and 52mph.

A spokesperson for Wiltshire Police wrote on the post: “The limit is 40 for a reason.”

A Twitter user wrote beneath the post: “Incredible that some actually think that residential streets convert to racetracks at night.”

Another spokesperson for Wiltshire Police said later on: "It was speed checks on Thamesdown Drive and those doing the speeds pictured were reported to court.

"It was carried out by the special constabulary."