Wiltshire Police have promised prosecution after being held up on the way to an emergency by a "lane-hogging" van.

Officers from the force's Roads Policing Unit took to social media after the red van "remained exclusively in lane three" on the M4 on Monday morning, preventing them from overtaking and delaying their response by over a minute.

They were responding to multiple reports of pedestrians on the motorway.

A spokesperson said: “Video saved and a notice of intended prosecution sent off in the post."

One irate commenter said: “This behaviour is one of my biggest bugbears.”

Another added: “It’s rife this lane hogging situation. Some people need to read the Highway Code or they’re just plain lazy or ignorant but either way this is a real issue.”

Others welcomed the police’s promise of action, stating: “Excellent, the stupidity and ignorance of some drivers simply staggers the imagination.”

What does the Highway Code state?

Although not a punishable offence in itself, Highway Code states that motorists should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear and drivers should return to the left-hand lane as soon as they overtake.

It also states: “Do not overtake on the left or move to a lane on your left to overtake.”

RAC advises that reckless undertaking can get you a fixed penalty notice for careless driving.