Police were called to a bridge on a busy A-road near Swindon after a turning lorry became stuck.

The vehicle, which was emblazoned with Amazon branding, had reportedly been trying to turn around close to Acorn Bridge, over the River Cole, near Swindon on the A420.

During the manoeuvre, the lorry became stuck, blocking both lanes of traffic on the busy route in and out of Swindon.

Police were called to the scene and arrived shortly after 5am on Tuesday, March 5.

Officers from the Roads Policing Unit (RPU) attempted to remove the vehicle before rush hour, to avoid lengthy delays for commuters.

Swindon Advertiser: The lorry stuck on the A420

At the time a spokesperson for the force said: “RPU are dealing with this at Acorn Bridge on the A420 near Swindon.

“The driver was trying to turn around and got stuck.

“We have recovery on the scene and will try to get it cleared before rush hour traffic.”

By 7.30am, traffic maps showed some light traffic on the A420 near Acorn Bridge, but no long delays, although police are yet to confirm if the lorry has been removed.

Some queues remained on the A420 near the White Hart Roundabout and on the A419 southbound from the junction.