An ageing population, and more and more people living longer means the demand on the council’s adult social care teams are growing.

Helping elderly, and other vulnerable adults, already consumes half of Swindon Borough Council’s annual budget -  Euclid Street is spending £84m on adults' services this year.

At present, more than 2,000 people in Swindon receive some kind of support from the council’s adult services department.  Care includes personal care, where support is provided with washing, dressing or getting out of bed, or adaptations that are made to people’s homes to help them maintain their independence.

It can also include providing care so people can continue to live in their homes as well as support in day centres, helping people to stay active and engaged in their local communities.

And with demand and cost pressures set to grow the council has come up with a new five-year strategy, and it is looking for residents’ views.

The draft strategy, and the consultation is available on

The council’s Director of Adult Services,  Clare Deards, said: “Our draft strategy for Adult Services represents a commitment to putting people at the heart of care. We aspire to create an environment where individuals can live their best lives, supported by a responsive and empowering social care system.

“We will focus on what people can do, what informal support networks they can draw on and what resources and opportunities there are in the community, before we look to funded support.

“As evidence shows from both Swindon and other parts of the country, this improves outcomes for people as they are enabled to live enriched and purposeful lives, whilst they retain and maintain a greater level of independence.”

Councillor Ray Ballman, the cabinet member, added: "This strategy is about more than just services; it's about transforming lives. I would really urge residents to participate in the consultation process, ensuring that their voices shape the future of adult social care in Swindon.

“Our positive vision for the delivery of adult social care services in Swindon is to ensure that people are enabled to live their lives and are not considered to be ‘service users’. Our strategy sets out the simple but fundamental enablers required to support everyone to have a good life, home, friend and a purpose and are underpinned by the principles of choice, empowerment and personalisation.” 

The council wants to  offer residents a choice about how they arrange their care and support, in a way that suits them and their family, and giving them more control over the way their services are delivered, and to give them the confidence to make their own decisions on what support they need.