The following cases were heard at Swindon Magistrates' Court this month.

SWINDON: Luke Coleman, of Sea Road in Boscombe, has been sentenced for threatening to disclose a private sexual photograph or film of a woman without her consent with the intention of causing her distress.

The 39-year-old committed the offence in Swindon on September 18, 2023, and must pay a £1,000 fine as well as £85 in court costs plus £400 to fund victim services.

OLD TOWN: Alexandra Staicu, of Western Street, has been sentenced for a driving offence.

The 34-year-old pleaded guilty to failing to stop after a road accident involving his Peugeot 207 on Western Street which caused damage to the back of a Ford Focus on November 3, 2023.

He received seven penalty points on his driving licence and a fine of £184, and must pay court costs of £85 as well as £74 to fund victim services.

ALDBOURNE: Ben Mulford, of Whitley Road, has been sentenced for driving offences.

The 37-year-old pleaded guilty to driving a Volvo V50 along Barn Street in Marlborough without reasonable consideration to other users and failing to stop after an accident involving his vehicle and a Vauxhall Zafira on December 6, 2023.

He received seven penalty points on his driving licence and fines totalling £833, and must also pay £85 in court costs plus £333 to fund victim services.

SWINDON: Penny Morgan, of St Lawrence Road of Gloucester, has been sentenced for shoplifting.

The 50-year-old indicated a plea of guilty to stealing items worth £619 from Marks and Spencer on January 27, 2024.

She received a community order that requires the defendant to carry out 12 months of mental health treatment and up to 10 rehabilitation activity days.

There was no order to pay compensation because the items were recovered and no order to pay court costs due to a lack of means and a large amount of outstanding fines.

EAST WICHEL: Kyle Randhawa, of Lohart Lane, has been sentenced for drink driving.

The 19-year-old pleaded guilty to driving an Audi A1 along Pipers Way on April 23, 2024, without insurance and after consuming so much alcohol that the proportion of it in his breath, namely 60 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, exceeded the prescribed limit.

He has been banned from driving for 17 months, fined £85 and ordered to pay £85 in court costs plus £64 to fund victim services.

ROYAL WOOTTON BASSETT: George Purchase, of Westbury Park, has been sentenced for a drugs offence.

The 32-year-old pleaded guilty to having cocaine in his possession on April 24, 2024.

He must pay a fine of £120 and £85 in court costs. The Class A substance has been forfeited and destroyed.

MOTORWAY: Muhammad Khan, of Bugle Way in Bridgwater, has been sentenced for drink driving.

The 28-year-old pleaded guilty to driving a Toyota Aygo along the M4 near Swindon on April 22, 2024, after consuming so much alcohol that the proportion of it in his breath, namely 45 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, exceeded the prescribed limit.

He received a 36-month driving ban and a fine of £276, and must also pay £85 in court costs.

CALNE: Jason Howard, of Tornado Close, has been sentenced for assault by beating and causing actual bodily harm

The 53-year-old pleaded guilty to beating a woman and causing ABH to another female victim on December 9, 2023.

He received a community order that requires him to follow a 14-day electronically-monitored curfew, attend up to 30 rehabilitation activity days, and pay a £3,000 fine.